- Uncovered History: The National Historic Preservation Act ("Colonial Williamsburg" Journal, Autumn 2014)
- Memorial Cemetery Dedicated (Alexandria Gazette Packet, September 11, 2014)
- Alexandria Cemetery Dedication Draws Descendants (Washington Informer, September 10, 2014)
- Once Below Gas Station, Virginia Cemetery Restored (CBS Evening News, September 10, 2014)
- City of Alexandria Dedicating Cemetery Memorial (NBC Local News, September 7, 2014)
- Alexandria Dedicates the Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery Memorial (Patch, September 7, 2014)
- Freedmen Honored at Local Park Memorial (WTOP News, September 6, 2014
- City of Alexandria Dedicating Cemetery Memorial (CBS Local News, September 6, 2014)
- Alexandria Dedicates Memorial at Freedmen's Cemetery to African Americans who Died in the Civil War (ABC News, September 6, 2014)
- A Memorial Honors Slaves who Escaped the South for Refuge in Alexandria, Va. (Washington Post, September 6, 2014)
- Dedication Ceremony
- Alexandria to Dedicate Memorial to African Americans who Died in Civil War (WUSA News, September 4, 2014)
- Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery Memorial Celebration Events
- Alexandria Celebrates the Dedication of the Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery Memorial (Red Brick Town, August 14, 2014)
- Audrey Davis, Director of the Alexandria Black History Museum, on the Upcoming Dedication of the Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery Memorial (Comcast Newsmakers interview, August 5, 2014)
- Char McCargo Bah, Professional Genealogist, on the Celebration (Comcast Newsmakers interview, July 22, 2014)
- Freedmen's Cemetery Ornament Available for Sale
- The Journey to be Free: Descendants Returning Home to Alexandria
- Morrison House Presents: Joanna Blake
- Alexandria Civil War Sesquicentennial Lecture Series: Excavations at the Contrabands and Freedmen’s Cemetery and the Concept of the Proper Coffin in the Mid-19th Century
- The History Behind Alexandria's Freedmen's Cemetery (Patch, November 2, 2013)
- Oral History Volunteer Laura Little Scans Historical Documents Related to Families
- Freedmen Sculpture Arrives in Alexandria (Jaybird's Jottings, July 25, 2013)
- Lecture on Freedmen's Cemetery Memorial
- Freedmen's Cemetery Statue Proposals on Display (Alexandria Gazette Packet, July 11, 2012)
- Artists Selected to Submit Design Proposals for the Contrabands and Freedmen's Cemetery Sculpture
- Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery Added to Virginia Landmarks Register (Department of Historic Resources, July 6, 2012)
- Freedmen's Cemetery Memorial Design Competition 2008
- Alexandria Freedmen's Cemetery Memorial Park Guided Tour Announcement
- Useful Links on the City Site
- 2007 Illumination Ceremony
- Long-Ignored Civil War Cemetery to Become Memorial (Preservation Online, May 9, 2007)
- For Freedmen, Long-Due Respect (Washington Post, April 19, 2007)
- Invitation to the Re-Dedication of the Alexandria Freedmen's Cemetery Ceremony
- Update on Alexandria Freedmen's Cemetery Memorial Park
- Spring 2007 Illumination Ceremony Announcement

Friends of Freedmen’s Cemetery 638 North Alfred Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 E-mail: freedmen@juno.com |

March 25, 2016 |